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With German voters clearly demanding comprehensive change, the far right has been capitalizing on the public's discontent and benefiting from broader global political trends. If the country's democratic parties cannot deliver, they may soon find that they are no longer the mainstream.
explains why the outcome may decide whether the political “firewall” against the far right can hold.
The Russian and (now) American vision of "peace" in Ukraine would be no peace at all. The immediate task for Europe is not only to navigate Donald’s Trump unilateral pursuit of a settlement, but also to ensure that any deal does not increase the likelihood of an even wider war.
sees a Korea-style armistice with security guarantees as the only viable option in Ukraine.
Rather than engage in lengthy discussions to pry concessions from Russia, US President Donald Trump seems committed to giving the Kremlin whatever it wants to end the Ukraine war. But rewarding the aggressor and punishing the victim would amount to setting the stage for the next war.
warns that by punishing the victim, the US is setting up Europe for another war.
Within his first month back in the White House, Donald Trump has upended US foreign policy and launched an all-out assault on the country’s constitutional order. With US institutions bowing or buckling as the administration takes executive power to unprecedented extremes, the establishment of an authoritarian regime cannot be ruled out.
The rapid advance of AI might create the illusion that we have created a form of algorithmic intelligence capable of understanding us as deeply as we understand one another. But these systems will always lack the essential qualities of human intelligence.
explains why even cutting-edge innovations are not immune to the world’s inherent unpredictability.
华盛顿特区 紧急情况发生时,政府和社区内部的特殊流程便会快速启动,人人都站出来帮忙。
现在整个世界处于气候紧急状态中。在9月23号纽约召开的联合国气候行动峰会(United Nations Climate Action Summit)上,来自政界、金融业、商业及民间团体的领导人必须展现更大的决心来对抗全球变暖,要做比现在更多的工作。而快速转型使用清洁能源则是加速努力的关键。
准确地说,世界正在对气候危机做出回应。每天交通、工业、能源、农业和土地利用上的新突破都说明我们可以不再使用碳。金融行业也觉察到了气候的风险,意识到自己有解决的责任。例如,“气候行动100”倡议(Climate Action 100+)中的大型投资者正向自身投资组合中的公司抛出更难、更尖锐的问题。信用评级机构穆迪公司(Moody)收购了一批公司,这些公司的具体模型能预测在多种气候情境中资产面临的物理风险。同时,越来越多的央行在着手解决实现2015年巴黎气候公约(Paris climate agreement)的目标过程中所带来的影响。
但是,正如联合国秘书长安东尼奥·古特雷斯(António Guterres)经常说道,当前全球的响应仍旧不够。追溯到2017年春季,古特雷斯第一次呼吁举办即将到来的气候峰会时,人们担心世界对气候的关注可能会动摇,迟钝的国家政治领导人可能无法解决愈发严峻的气候后果。
自那时起,气候峰会的重要性便不断攀升。2018年10月联合国政府间气候变化专门委员会(UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change)发布了一份报告,报告总结道,全球有12年的时间来改变二氧化碳排放轨迹,目的是把本世纪全球变暖的幅度控制在1.5°C内的工业化前水平之上,这是巴黎气候公约的目标。尤其是民间团体和年轻人正在为实现此目标寻找答案,并付出更大的努力。
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此处的一大亮点是船运价值链之间的合作不断增多,这可以给国际海事组织努力争取来的协议带来生机。例如,和丹麦这样领先的国家合作,工作的重点是发展零排放的船舶,这一定是全球碳中和经济的中心。许多船舶制造者、所有者、燃料公司、港口和跨国公司都接受了科学的减排目标。在波塞冬原则(the Poseidon Principles)的指导下,现在已经开始努力建立可靠的船舶融资的全球框架。
管理大师汤姆·彼得斯(Tom Peters)说过,“领导者不是创造追随者,而是创造更多的领导者”。如果要实现全球气候目标,急需更多鼓舞人心的榜样。9月23号,在纽约,我们将会知道他们是谁。
Translated by Yuxuan Yi, Research Assistant at Intellisia Institute, an independent think tank in China.