Hans-Helmut Kotz
Hans-Helmut Kotz, a former member of the executive board of Deutsche Bundesbank, is Program Director of the SAFE Policy Center at Goethe University in Frankfurt and a resident fellow at the Center for European Studies at Harvard University.
Did Germany’s Constitutional Court Inadvertently Strengthen the Eurozone?
Did Germany’s Constitutional Court Inadvertently Strengthen the Eurozone?
May 11, 2020 Hans-Helmut Kotz sees a silver lining in the court's much-criticized ruling on the European Central Bank's bond purchases.
Germany Versus the ECB
Germany Versus the ECB
Oct 10, 2019 Hans-Helmut Kotz holds out hope that eurozone governments may finally be recognizing the need for fiscal stimulus.
Macron’s Real Limits
Macron’s Real Limits
Apr 24, 2018 Hans-Helmut Kotz thinks the French president's policy pronouncements lack the courage of his European convictions.
The Chimera of Franco-German Reform
The Chimera of Franco-German Reform
Oct 4, 2017 Hans-Helmut Kotz warns the European Union's would-be reformers not to count on the support of Germany's next government.
Financial Globalization 2.0
Financial Globalization 2.0
Sep 5, 2017 Hans-Helmut Kotz & Susan Lund suggest that a more resilient system is emerging, despite shrinking cross-border capital flows.