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Daniela Schwarzer

Daniela Schwarzer

Writing for PS since 2009
9 commentaries

Daniela Schwarzer, a member of the Executive Board of the Bertelsmann Stiftung, is a former director of the German Council on Foreign Relations and former executive director for Europe and Central Asia at the Open Society Foundations. She is the author of Krisenzeit: Folgen Sicherheit, Wirtschaft, Zusammenhalt – Was Deutschland jetzt tun muss (Piper, 2023).

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  1. Europe Alone
    schwarzer9_Telmo PintoSOPA ImagesLightRocket via Getty Images_macronstarmer Telmo Pinto/SOPA Images/LightRocket via Getty Images

    Europe Alone

    Feb 20, 2025 Daniela Schwarzer explains what the European Union must do now that America has walked away from the transatlantic relationship.

  2. Will Europe Ever Get Serious About Defense?
    schwarzer8_Sven Hoppepicture alliance via Getty Images_zelensky msc Sven Hoppe/picture alliance via Getty Images

    Will Europe Ever Get Serious About Defense?

    Feb 20, 2024 Daniela Schwarzer laments the lack of a strong, coordinated message at the latest Munich Security Conference.

  3. Germany’s Dangerous Alternatives
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    Germany’s Dangerous Alternatives

    Feb 2, 2024 Daniela Schwarzer explains why rising support for newer radical parties poses a serious threat.

  4. How to Build the European Political Community
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    How to Build the European Political Community

    Oct 3, 2022 Jean Pisani-Ferry & Daniela Schwarzer urge those attending the EU's upcoming Prague summit to establish ambitious goals and a long-term timetable.

  5. Ursula von der Leyen’s To-Do List
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    Ursula von der Leyen’s To-Do List

    Sep 9, 2019 Daniela Schwarzer says that to boost the European Commission's legitimacy, its new president needs to strengthen its efficiency.

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  1. lachman3_Charly TriballeauGettyImages_us_economy_eggs Charly Triballeau/Getty Images

    America Looks Like a Troubled Emerging-Market Economy

    Desmond Lachman lists the symptoms, from tariffs and massive public debt, to oligarchy and flagrant conflicts of interest.
  2. fofack29_eric1513Getty Images_dedollarization eric1513/Getty Images

    Will Trump Destroy the Dollar’s Primacy?

    Within its first two months, President Donald Trump’s second administration has attacked US institutions, alienated trade partners and allies, decimated consumer and investor confidence, and sent the stock market plummeting. Can the dollar’s status as the world’s leading reserve currency – and the extraordinary advantages this affords the US economy – withstand the onslaught?

  3. moyo32_Anton PetrusGettyImages_ai_money Anton Petrus/Getty Images

    Will AI Mean Higher Taxes?

    Dambisa Moyo warns business leaders that automation-driven efficiency gains may come with hidden long-term costs.
  4. gbrowne1_Thomas SamsonGettyImages_fossil_fuel_non_proliferation_treaty Thomas Samson/Getty Images

    A Defining Moment for Energy Security and Economic Prosperity

    Gaston Browne points out that the energy transition is vital not only to protect the planet, but also to enhance resilience.
  5. norrlof10_Picture AllianceGettyImages_lng_terminal_baltic_sea Picture Alliance/Getty Images

    How Much “Weaponization” Can the Global Economy Take?

    Carla Norrlöf worries that major powers’ understandable reliance on economic coercion will go too far.
  6. op_detter1_utah778Getty Images_balancesheet utah778/Getty Images

    Fixing Public Finances Without a Chainsaw

    Dag Detter

    Governments are the most important wealth managers in their respective jurisdictions, but they rarely behave like it. To boost revenue and ensure economic stability, policymakers must modernize their accounting practices and establish public wealth funds.

    urges cash-strapped countries to adopt a commercial approach to management of government-owned assets.
  7. delong268_Drew AngererGetty Images_trump Drew Angerer/Getty Images

    Rescuing America’s Economy from Trump

    J. Bradford DeLong thinks the US president needs a regent, similar to the role Howard Baker played under Ronald Reagan.
  8. bildt133_Tobias SchwarzGettyImages_rutte_vance Tobias Schwarz/Getty Images

    The Transatlantic World Will Never Be the Same

    Carl Bildt urges Europeans to prepare for the worst from Donald Trump’s America, which is behaving like an adversary.
  9. goldberg34_Mario TamaGetty Images_USshippingcontainers Mario Tama/Getty Images

    Making Sense of the Tariff Chaos

    Pinelopi Koujianou Goldberg considers whether the zero-sum logic behind the new US policy will spread.

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