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  • Project Syndicate’s 2015 Year-End Supplement.

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    meteor shower over the uk Christopher Furlong /Getty Images
    1. Christine Lagarde, Managing Director of the International Monetary Fund IMFPhoto/Flickr

      The Transitions of 2016

      Christine Lagarde hitches the global economy's prospects to China and the Fed.
    2. Newspaper headline that says 'terrorism' Susan Sermoneta/Flickr

      How to Fight Jihadi Terrorism

      George Soros worries that Western societies are walking into the trap set for them by ISIS and its ilk.
    3. Skyscraper in Shanghai, China Skyscraper in Shanghai/Pixabay

      Exporting the Chinese Model

      Francis Fukuyama asks what lies ahead for China's geopolitically momentous "One Belt, One Road" strategy.
    4. freefall James Gourley/ZumaPress

      The Great Malaise Continues

      Joseph E. Stiglitz traces the roots of economic stagnation in much of the world – and sees little improvement ahead.
    5. Donald Trump and Sarah Palin Andrew Dallos/Flickr

      Is Fascism Back?

      Robert O. Paxton laments the growing use of a political epithet that almost always mislabels its targets.
    6. Woman in Burma selling fruit Woman in Burma selling fruit/Pixabay
      Free to read

      Rethinking Sanctions

      Kofi A. Annan & Kishore Mahbubani argue for a more refined and comprehensive approach to changing states' behavior.
    7. Q1-GettyImages-1782198740-4896x1224px

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    8. Digitized sound wave Digitized sound wave/Pixabay

      Catching the Digital Wave

      Dominic Barton urges companies to focus in 2016 on digitizing the core components of their business.
    9. French embassy in Vienna, Austria commemorating the 2015 Paris attacks The Apex Archive/Flickr

      Defeating Islamist Extremists in 2016

      Tony Blair proposes steps – and not only those taken by ground troops – toward defeating Islamist fanaticism.
    10. Barack Obama and Vladimir Putin Chip Somodevilla/CNP via ZUMA Wire

      Can America and Russia Cooperate in Syria?

      Michael McFaul has few illusions about prospects for a US alliance with the Kremlin to fight ISIS.
    11. Chinese flag China's flag/Pixabay

      China’s Silk Road Vision

      Justin Yifu Lin predicts that Chinese leaders will remain focused on a massive infrastructure strategy for Asia.
    12. NASA logo on large planetary sculpture NASA logo on large planetary sculpture/Pixabay

      NASA’s Journey to Mars

      Ellen R. Stofan lays out the steps that will be necessary to put humans on the red planet.
    13. Fighter in Afghanistan Fighter in Afghanistan/Pixabay

      How to Win the War on Terror

      Hernando de Soto argues that economic empowerment, not military intervention, is the only approach that can work.

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