Kofi A. Annan
Kofi A. Annan, a former secretary-general of the United Nations and Nobel Peace laureate, was Chair of the Kofi Annan Foundation, which mobilizes political will to overcome threats to peace, development, and human rights. He also chaired the Elders and the Africa Progress Panel.
How IT Threatens Democracy
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How IT Threatens Democracy
Feb 16, 2018 Kofi A. Annan probes the ways in which social media, big data, and artificial intelligence can jeopardize open societies.
Rethinking Sanctions
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Rethinking Sanctions
Jan 11, 2016 Kofi A. Annan & Kishore Mahbubani argue for a more refined and comprehensive approach to changing states' behavior.
The Grassroots of Climate Change
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The Grassroots of Climate Change
Dec 22, 2015 Kofi A. Annan argues that it is up to citizens to ensure that the agreement reached in Paris is fulfilled.
Migration Realism
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Migration Realism
Jun 13, 2015 Kofi A. Annan proposes a four-pronged strategy to ensure more humane treatment of those fleeing dire conditions.
Saving Global Order
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Saving Global Order
Jan 29, 2015 Kofi A. Annan reminds us why renewing the international system is in everyone's interest.