Hernando de Soto
Hernando de Soto is President of the Institute for Liberty and Democracy in Lima, Peru, and author of The Mystery of Capital.
The Developing World Has an Alternative to Debt
The Developing World Has an Alternative to Debt
Jul 3, 2020 Hernando de Soto calls for an organized push to harness all of the untapped “dead capital” across the informal economy.
Colombia Between the FARC and the People
Colombia Between the FARC and the People
Nov 4, 2016 Hernando de Soto lauds voters' rejection of the government's deal with the FARC, and proposes another route to peace.
Globalization for Everyone
Globalization for Everyone
Sep 19, 2016 Hernando de Soto proposes an entirely new approach to ensuring that the benefits of interconnectedness are shared.
A Mexican Impasse for the Pope
A Mexican Impasse for the Pope
Feb 11, 2016 Hernando de Soto urges Francis to advocate for a simple reform that would benefit billions of poor people worldwide.
How to Win the War on Terror
How to Win the War on Terror
Jan 14, 2016 Hernando de Soto argues that economic empowerment, not military intervention, is the only approach that can work.