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In the first 11 months of his presidency, Donald Trump has failed to back up his words – or tweets – with action on a variety of fronts. But the rest of the world's governments, and particularly those in Asia and Europe, would be mistaken to assume that he won't follow through on his promised "America First" trade agenda.
expects the US administration to pursue its protectionist agenda in earnest in the coming year.
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With German voters clearly demanding comprehensive change, the far right has been capitalizing on the public's discontent and benefiting from broader global political trends. If the country's democratic parties cannot deliver, they may soon find that they are no longer the mainstream.
explains why the outcome may decide whether the political “firewall” against the far right can hold.
The Russian and (now) American vision of "peace" in Ukraine would be no peace at all. The immediate task for Europe is not only to navigate Donald’s Trump unilateral pursuit of a settlement, but also to ensure that any deal does not increase the likelihood of an even wider war.
sees a Korea-style armistice with security guarantees as the only viable option in Ukraine.
Rather than engage in lengthy discussions to pry concessions from Russia, US President Donald Trump seems committed to giving the Kremlin whatever it wants to end the Ukraine war. But rewarding the aggressor and punishing the victim would amount to setting the stage for the next war.
warns that by punishing the victim, the US is setting up Europe for another war.
Within his first month back in the White House, Donald Trump has upended US foreign policy and launched an all-out assault on the country’s constitutional order. With US institutions bowing or buckling as the administration takes executive power to unprecedented extremes, the establishment of an authoritarian regime cannot be ruled out.
The rapid advance of AI might create the illusion that we have created a form of algorithmic intelligence capable of understanding us as deeply as we understand one another. But these systems will always lack the essential qualities of human intelligence.
explains why even cutting-edge innovations are not immune to the world’s inherent unpredictability.
去年 8月,美国贸易代表在三大领域针对中国发起了301条款调查行动:知识产权、创新以及技术研发。这可能导致后续制裁。此外,一项关于不公平钢材进口所带来的国家安全威胁的所谓232条款调查行动也是死死盯住了中国这个全球最大的钢铁生产国。
首先,针对太阳能电池板和洗衣机的关税完全忽视了在这两个行业的全球供应链中发生的革命性变化。太阳能电池板的生产很久之前就开始逐步从中国转移到了马来西亚、韩国和越南等地,而这些地区现在合共占到了美国太阳能电池板进口总量的2/3 左右。而三星这个美国主要的国外洗衣机供应商最近则在南卡罗来纳州开设了一家新的家电工厂。
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最后,我们必须考虑可能因现有贸易流的惯性而产生的价格调整。自2010年以来,来自低成本国外产品的竞争压力使美国太阳能设备的平均安装成本下降了70%。新的关税将提高进口太阳能电池板的价格——这形同对能源消费者加税,也抵消了以往提高对非碳燃料依赖度的努力。进口洗衣机的生产者也可以作出类似的反应;LG 电子这个主要外国供应商刚刚宣布将每台洗衣机的价格上调50美元以回应美国征收的关税。可见美国消费者在特朗普政府挑起的首次小规模冲突中已经吃了一场败仗。
贸易战没有赢家。也许这也是对一位承诺美国将再次开始“胜利”的总统的终极讽刺。美国参议员里德·斯穆特(Reed Smoot)和众议员威利斯·霍雷(Willis Hawley)在1930年也曾许下同样的空洞承诺,导致了加剧大萧条并动摇国际秩序的贸易保护主义关税。可悲的是,这个现代史上其中一个最惨痛的教训却遭到了遗忘。