It is not too late to watch our AI Action Summit event.
Click the link to watch world leaders, tech experts, and other distinguished speakers – including Justin Trudeau, Petr Pavel, Daron Acemoglu, Reid Hoffman, Marianna Mazzucato, James Manyiga, Audrey Tang, Sylvain Duranton, Celina Lee, Patrick Pouyanné, and others – discuss some of the most important questions raised by the rise of artificial intelligence.
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By insisting on its own supremacy, the executive branch of the US government under President Donald Trump is effectively seeking to alter America’s constitutional framework of checks and balances among co-equal branches of government. Trump has no authority to execute this change, but that will not be enough to stop him.
observes that the president's claim of supremacy over the courts amounts to tossing out the US Constitution.
Daniel Gros
hopes that a Chinese startup's apparent AI breakthrough will provide a much-needed boost to European competitiveness, advises the EU on how to deal with Donald Trump, urges Europe to improve conditions for bottom-up innovation, and more.
Despite Donald Trump's promise to boost fossil-fuel production, the economic and technological forces driving the clean-energy revolution cannot be stopped. The global transition will power forward, even if America has abandoned climate leadership, and even if the road ahead includes a few more bumps.
assuages fears that the global energy transition will be thrown into reverse by the new US administration.
加博罗内- 2月份,世界领导人、外交官、情报官员和学者在德国召开了一年一度的慕尼黑安全会议,与此同时,欧洲陆战正酣,地缘政治紧张加剧。因此,会议的重点是传统的安全威胁。这可以理解的,但也令人失望的。
为了加强全球安全和韧性,我们必须承认适应性金融是 "不可避免的必要条件",瑞士再保险公司(Swiss Re)的一份最新报告说(去年在埃及举行的联合国气候变化大会通过接受沙姆沙伊赫适应性议程也确认了这一点)。根据联合国的数据,流向发展中国家的用于气候适应计划的国际资金比所需资金低5-10倍。而且这个缺口正在扩大:发展中国家每年的气候适应需求预计到2030年将增加到1600-3400亿美元,到2050年将增加到3150-5650亿美元。
PS Events: AI Action Summit 2025
It is not too late to watch our AI Action Summit event.
Click the link to watch world leaders, tech experts, and other distinguished speakers – including Justin Trudeau, Petr Pavel, Daron Acemoglu, Reid Hoffman, Marianna Mazzucato, James Manyiga, Audrey Tang, Sylvain Duranton, Celina Lee, Patrick Pouyanné, and others – discuss some of the most important questions raised by the rise of artificial intelligence.
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为了安然度过我们的 "多危机 "时代——加速的气候变化、战争、通货膨胀以及还在进行中的大流行——我们必须在缓解和适应方面进行大规模投资。发达国家还必须加紧努力,确保处于气候变化前线的低收入国家能够加强韧性。通过资助非洲开发银行的适应基金和非洲气候风险基金等举措,国际社会可以为世界上最脆弱的人群提供亟需的保护。