Fatoumata Nafo
Fatoumata Nafo, Chair of the Board of the Foundation for Health and Environment in Mali, is a former executive director of the Roll Back Malaria Partnership and a former regional director of Africa at the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies.
How Africa’s Local Knowledge Can Address Global Crises
How Africa’s Local Knowledge Can Address Global Crises
May 26, 2022 Fatoumata Nafo shows why policymakers should heed community concerns when addressing major challenges such as climate change.
Three Humanitarian Challenges for Africa in 2018
Three Humanitarian Challenges for Africa in 2018
Feb 14, 2018 Fatoumata Nafo says breaking the continent's cycle of suffering will require new investments and grassroots solutions.
Empowering Africa’s Humanitarians
Empowering Africa’s Humanitarians
Aug 3, 2017 Fatoumata Nafo urges the global community to overhaul aid delivery to the continent’s most vulnerable people.