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  • The “future of work” has become an increasingly frequent and capacious subject of inquiry, reflecting the fact that “work” is not just a private concern but a fundamental component of social, political, and economic life. If it is undergoing profound changes as a result of evolving technological, demographic, and global political factors, so will much else.

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      When Fiscal Policy Meets Mathematical Reality

      Sita Nataraj Slavov explains why America’s bipartisan pattern of government profligacy simply cannot last.
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      Overcoming the Sectarian Challenge to Democracy

      Tawakkol Karman explains what it will take to forge a sustainable political settlement in Syria and elsewhere in the Middle East.
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      The Western Balkan Bellwether

      Valery Perry sees the region as a window into three interconnected phenomena that will shape Europe's near-term future.
    4. Ukraine volunteer soldiers women cryng Russia Sergii Kharchencko/ZumaPress

      A War of Values With Russia

      Anders Fogh Rasmussen contends that the current conflict in Ukraine is motivated by the Kremlin’s fear of democracy.
    5. johnson183 Getty Images

      The World According to the Oligarchs

      Simon Johnson explains how techno-monopolists’ consolidation of political power in the United States will play out.
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      AI in the Office

      Azeem Azhar & Chantal Smith consider what artificial intelligence will mean for knowledge workers and the firms that rely on them.
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      PS Quarterly

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      Long Weekends Forever

      Juliet B. Schor recognizes the technology's potential to facilitate a four-day workweek, benefiting workers and owners alike.
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      Paydays and Maydays in the Global South

      Romina Bandura surveys the biggest risks and opportunities facing workers across developing countries.
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      Virtual Migration Could Revive Growth

      Carl Benedikt Frey explains how new technologies can drive growth in rich and poor countries at the same time.
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      The Future of Remittances

      Inma Martínez-Zarzoso explains what the evolution of migration patterns will mean for advanced and developing economies alike.
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      The End of the Chinese Dream

      Yi Fuxian sees little chance of the country and its economy escaping a bleak demographic destiny.
    13. elerian175_Spencer PlattGetty Images_nyse Spencer Platt/Getty Images
      Free to read

      What Role for the Bond Vigilantes?

      J. Bradford DeLong, et al. consider whether the return of the “bond vigilantes” will become a persistent issue for major economies

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