Europe has enough financial and military resources to keep Ukraine in the fight against Russia, even without US support. The EU, the UK, and Norway are also better equipped than one might expect to guarantee Ukraine’s future security, thanks to relatively strong air forces and Ukraine’s own battle-tested military.
BRUSSELS – Russian President Vladimir Putin’s dream has come true. With the divide between the United States and Europe now wider than at any point since World War II, NATO no longer constitutes a united bloc committed to spoiling Russia’s revanchist ambitions. On the contrary, US President Donald Trump’s administration seems to share Putin’s view that superpowers have a natural right to claim authority over spheres of influence, with smaller, weaker countries submitting to their mightier neighbors. Now, it is up to Europe to stand up for democracy, sovereignty, and the rule of law in Europe – and that means defending Ukraine.
BRUSSELS – Russian President Vladimir Putin’s dream has come true. With the divide between the United States and Europe now wider than at any point since World War II, NATO no longer constitutes a united bloc committed to spoiling Russia’s revanchist ambitions. On the contrary, US President Donald Trump’s administration seems to share Putin’s view that superpowers have a natural right to claim authority over spheres of influence, with smaller, weaker countries submitting to their mightier neighbors. Now, it is up to Europe to stand up for democracy, sovereignty, and the rule of law in Europe – and that means defending Ukraine.