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Fear of being left behind economically and socially proved to be potent fuel for the far-right Alternative für Deutschland, which for the first time won more votes than the Social Democrats in a German federal election. So long as center-left parties fail to address this fear, the far right will continue to exploit it.
thinks social-democratic parties will continue to lose unless they find new ways to make inroads with workers.
Within his first month back in the White House, Donald Trump has upended US foreign policy and launched an all-out assault on the country’s constitutional order. With US institutions bowing or buckling as the administration takes executive power to unprecedented extremes, the establishment of an authoritarian regime cannot be ruled out.
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日本的灾难激发了核安全(nuclear safety)领域的改革。但在核安保(nuclear security)问题上,自满也是个大问题。我们决不能等到发生了悲剧之后才开始行动。
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其次,政府和业界应该确保安保文化与安全文化一样成为每一项核设施操作的组成部分。前美国战略司令部司令员、美国能源部“安保沙皇”尤金·哈比格(Eugene Habiger)曾说:“好的安保是20%的设备加上80%的人员。”
我们都有确保恐怖分子永远无法染指世界上最危险材料的政治和道德责任。各国应该以成功的美国、俄罗斯和前苏联之间的核安保合作项目——纳恩-卢格减少威胁合作计划(Nunn-Lugar Cooperative Threat Reduction)为榜样。拥有核材料的国家应该交换关于如何最好地促进安保的情报,增加共同核安保挑战的情报共享,探索实施同行评议的可能性。
我们的朋友和同事、核威胁倡议(Nuclear Threat Initiative)的联职主席山姆·纳恩(Sam Nunn)常常警告,我们在进行一场合作与灾难之间的竞赛。我们必须从福岛危机中汲取教训,并据此制定打击核恐怖主义的战略中。这是一场我们非赢不可的竞赛。