Zia Qureshi
Zia Qureshi, a former director of development economics at the World Bank, is a non-resident senior fellow at the Brookings Institution.
Intellectual Property, Not Intellectual Monopoly
Intellectual Property, Not Intellectual Monopoly
Jul 11, 2018 Zia Qureshi advocates for updated patent systems and reinvigorated government research programs to boost innovation.
The Danger in Today’s Good Economic News
The Danger in Today’s Good Economic News
Jan 11, 2018 Kemal Derviş & Zia Qureshi argue that, if left unaddressed, rising inequality will act as a powerful brake on the current expansion.
The Not-So-Dire Future of Work
The Not-So-Dire Future of Work
Oct 19, 2017 Zia Qureshi proposes specific policies to enable workers and economies to benefit from technological change.
Probing the Productivity Paradox
Probing the Productivity Paradox
Sep 14, 2016 Kemal Derviş & Zia Qureshi ask why growth in output per hour worked is slowing, despite continued technological innovation.
Infrastructure for a Sustainable Future
Infrastructure for a Sustainable Future
Feb 24, 2016 Zia Qureshi argues that closing the infrastructure gap and mitigating climate change go hand in hand.