Stephen Holmes
Stephen Holmes, a professor at New York University School of Law, is the co-author (with Ivan Krastev) of The Light that Failed: A Reckoning (Allen Lane, 2019).
Explaining Europe's Reaction
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Explaining Europe's Reaction
Mar 7, 2022 Diego Gambetta & Stephen Holmes think governments' robust response to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine is primarily driven by fear.
Putin’s Ambivalent Illiberalism
Putin’s Ambivalent Illiberalism
Jul 5, 2019 Stephen Holmes thinks the Russian president's view of the “liberal idea” merits attention, but not the attention it's getting.
Trump’s Dangerous Blank Check
Trump’s Dangerous Blank Check
Apr 19, 2017 Stephen Holmes argues that delegating war-making decisions to the military never ends well.
The Ukrainian School of War
The Ukrainian School of War
Feb 25, 2015 Stephen Holmes & Ivan Krastev show why the motivations of Russia, the US, and Europe preclude a diplomatic solution.
Putin on Ice
Putin on Ice
Nov 17, 2014 Stephen Holmes & Ivan Krastev ask why Russia has chosen a policy toward Ukraine that is undermining its geostrategic interests.