Michel Goldman
Michel Goldman, President of the Institute for Interdisciplinary Innovation in Healthcare (I3h) and Emeritus Professor of Immunology at the Université Libre de Bruxelles, was executive director of the Innovative Medicines Initiative from 2009 to 2014.
Cleaning Up Europe’s Vaccine Mess
Cleaning Up Europe’s Vaccine Mess
Apr 2, 2021 Michel Goldman argues that the main obstacle to matching the success of the US effort is bureaucratic, not financial.
The Case for COVID-19 Antibody Therapies
The Case for COVID-19 Antibody Therapies
Jul 10, 2020 Michel Goldman & Michel D. Kazatchkine call for greater investment in new genetically engineered treatments to combat the coronavirus.
Mobilizing Young People Against Anti-Vaxxers
Mobilizing Young People Against Anti-Vaxxers
Apr 1, 2019 Michel Goldman proposes targeting education programs at adolescents to empower them to become immunization advocates.
How to Help Deflate America’s Opioid Bubble
How to Help Deflate America’s Opioid Bubble
Feb 1, 2019 Mathias Dewatripont & Michel Goldman apply lessons from the 2008 financial crisis to the ongoing public-health emergency in the US.