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Johan Rockström

Johan Rockström

22 commentaries
2 videos & podcasts

Johan Rockström, Director of the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research and Professor of Earth System Science at the University of Potsdam, is Co-Chair of the Global Commission on the Economics of Water.

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  1. Global Freshwater Supplies in the Balance
    mazzucato76_PEDRO PARDOAFP via Getty Images_rainforestindigenous Pedro Pardo/AFP via Getty Images

    Global Freshwater Supplies in the Balance

    Nov 7, 2024 Mariana Mazzucato & Johan Rockström warn that governments are doing too little too slowly about the breakdown of critical natural systems.

  2. The Water-Security Crisis
    mazzucato71 GettyImages-2159148172_AW Getty Images

    The Water-Security Crisis

    Sep 9, 2024 Mariana Mazzucato, et al. call attention to a global problem that demands far more attention from policymakers at all levels.

  3. The Water-Security Crisis
    mazzucato71 GettyImages-2159148172_AW Getty Images

    The Water-Security Crisis

    Sep 6, 2024 Mariana Mazzucato, et al. call attention to a global problem that demands far more attention from policymakers at all levels.

  4. Water and the High Price of Bad Economics
    mazzucato59_EDUARDO SOTERASAFP via Getty Images_water insuecurity EDUARDO SOTERAS/AFP via Getty Images

    Water and the High Price of Bad Economics

    Dec 1, 2023 Mariana Mazzucato, et al. explain why new thinking is needed to address a crisis closely linked to climate change and biodiversity loss.

  5. Climate Science Beats Climate Fatalism
    schleussner1_David McNewGetty Images_heatwave David McNew/Getty Images

    Climate Science Beats Climate Fatalism

    Jun 1, 2023 Carl-Friedrich Schleussner, et al. show that the more ambitious 1.5º target for global warming is still feasible – and more necessary than ever.

  1. hausmann121_Artur WidakNurPhoto via Getty Images_applestoreasia Artur Widak/NurPhoto via Getty Images

    Trump’s $16 Trillion Trade Blind Spot

    Ricardo Hausmann identifies the fundamental flaw in the administration’s efforts to dismantle the postwar international order.
  2. roach176_Morris MacMatzenGettyImages_hamburg_port Morris MacMatzen/Getty Images

    A World Turned Inside Out

    Stephen S. Roach

    The geostrategic shock that has accompanied Donald Trump’s return to the White House is the functional equivalent of a full-blown crisis. It is likely to have a lasting impact on the US and Chinese economies, and the contagion is almost certain to spread throughout the world through cross-border trade and capital flows.

    likens Donald Trump’s reversal of America’s global leadership role to a full-blown crisis, similar to COVID-19.
  3. GettyImages-465335816

    Jorge Heine on the BRICS, active non-alignment, the US dollar, and more

    Jorge Heine urges the Organization of American States to demonstrate leadership in Haiti, shows how small countries can implement a foreign policy based on active non-alignment, calls on China and Europe to diversify the global monetary system, and more.
  4. fengler4_SIMON MAINAAFP via Getty Images_africadigitalbank Simon Maina/AFP via Getty Images

    Financial Inclusion Must Reach the Last Billion

    Wolfgang Fengler explains why economic growth alone is not enough to extend the ladder of opportunity to all.
  5. fofack31_Fred DufourGettyImages_usaid_bag_car Fred Dufour/Getty Images

    Dismantling USAID Could Boost African Self-Reliance

    Hippolyte Fofack

    US President Donald Trump’s dismantling of America’s foreign-aid program may be the wake-up call African leaders need. If necessity is the mother of invention, the end of USAID could galvanize African governments to confront their countries’ challenges head-on.

    sees opportunities to promote local growth following a massive reduction in foreign aid.
  6. brown118_Wakil KohsarGettyImages_afghan_girls_school Wakil Kohsar/Getty Images

    The Internal Challenge to Afghanistan’s Ban on Girls’ Secondary Education

    Gordon Brown explains why the country’s leadership crisis represents an opportunity to end gender apartheid.
  7. jmccarthy1_CRISTINA ALDEHUELAAFP via Getty Images_cocoaghana Cristina Aldehuela/AFP via Getty Images

    Central Banks Must Stem the Nature Crisis

    Julie McCarthy urges monetary authorities to use their tools to mitigate the financial risks of environmental disruption.
  8. dudley1_Justin TallisGettyImages_tether Justin Tallis/Getty Images

    The US Needs Stablecoin Legislation Now

    Bill Dudley explains why lawmakers need to move quickly to establish US leadership in digital assets and payments.
  9. krueger85_Justin SullivanGetty Images_UScarstrade Justin Sullivan/Getty Images

    Tariff Man Doubles Down

    Anne O. Krueger warns that the Trump administration’s trade restrictions will harm the very industries they aim to protect.

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