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Imran Khan

Imran Khan

2 commentaries

Imran Khan is a former prime minister of Pakistan. 

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  1. Ground the Drones in 2013
    pa3636c.jpg Paul Lachine

    Ground the Drones in 2013

    Dec 31, 2012 Imran Khan

  2. A Vote against Voting in Pakistan

    A Vote against Voting in Pakistan

    Feb 12, 2008 Imran Khan

  1. leonard107_ INA FASSBENDERAFP via Getty Images_merz Ina Fassbender/AFP via Getty Images

    Europe’s Independence Day

    Mark Leonard

    Incoming Germany Chancellor Friedrich Merz is an unlikely candidate to lead a decisive break with the United States. But an erstwhile über-Atlanticist and fiscal conservative might be the only German politician who can credibly bury the country's economically disastrous "debt brake" and pave the way for a truly independent Europe.

    asks how Germany's incoming chancellor can ensure the continent's defense – not least against the US.
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    What European Security Requires

    Laurence Tubiana warns EU leaders not to go soft on decarbonization in the name of defense or stability.
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    The Sahel’s Dangerous Downward Spiral

    Jaynisha Patel calls for renewed regional cooperation, backed by partnerships with outside actors, to stabilize the region.
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    Building the Next Generation of Public Institutions

    Geoff Mulgan touts new thinking about how to design agile, flexible, and trustworthy governance mechanisms.
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    Trump the Capitulator

    Carl Bildt considers the broader implications of America's betrayal of Ukraine to appease the Kremlin.
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    What Should Be on the Global Financial Agenda?

    José Antonio Ocampo offers a roadmap for this year's global conferences on “financing for development.”
  7. blyth2_Saul LoebGettyImages_milei_musk Saul Loeb/Getty Images

    Austerity Is Back – and More Dangerous Than Ever

    Mark Blyth explains how an old orthodoxy is being put to more openly political and redistributive uses.
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    Ian Buruma on Gaza, Trump, authoritarianism, and more

    Ian Buruma says there is no chance US democracy will emerge from Donald Trump’s second administration unscathed, explains why the left is losing the culture war in the US and Europe, touts the enduring importance of the humanities, and more.
  9. sierakowski115_LUDOVIC MARINAFP via Getty Images)_macronstarmer Ludovic Marin/AFP via Getty Images

    Europe Is Only as Weak as It Thinks It Is

    Sławomir Sierakowski thinks the rupture with the US has given Europeans what they most need – a reason to get their act together.

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