Elizabeth Drew
Elizabeth Drew is a Washington-based journalist and the author, most recently, of Washington Journal: Reporting Watergate and Richard Nixon's Downfall.
How to Read the US Polls
How to Read the US Polls
Oct 25, 2022 Elizabeth Drew considers the limitations of polling and the issues that are most likely to be decisive in the midterms.
Joe Biden’s Springtime of Discontent
Joe Biden’s Springtime of Discontent
Apr 15, 2022 Elizabeth Drew considers why there is such a large gap between the president's performance and approval rating.
Can US Elections Be Made Safe from Mob Violence?
Can US Elections Be Made Safe from Mob Violence?
Jan 5, 2022 Elizabeth Drew considers the implications of the House committee's fast-moving investigation into the January 6 insurrection.
Why Isn't Washington Merry?
Why Isn't Washington Merry?
Dec 7, 2021 Elizabeth Drew sees declining morale in the US capital, on both sides of the aisle.
The Democrats' Debacle
The Democrats' Debacle
Nov 7, 2021 Elizabeth Drew thinks two recent gubernatorial elections exemplify the challenges faced by the US Democratic Party.