Cecilia Tortajada
Cecilia Tortajada, editor-in-chief of the International Journal of Water Resources Development, is a senior research fellow at the Institute of Water Policy at the National University of Singapore’s Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy.
A COVID-19 Bridge Over Troubled Water?
A COVID-19 Bridge Over Troubled Water?
Jul 20, 2020 Cecilia Tortajada & Asit K. Biswas consider how the pandemic could accelerate progress toward universal access to clean water supplies.
The Evolution of Chinese Corporate Social Responsibility
The Evolution of Chinese Corporate Social Responsibility
Dec 9, 2019 Asit K. Biswas & Cecilia Tortajada examine the country's progress on implementing environmental, social, and governance standards.
Africa’s Manmade Water Crisis
Africa’s Manmade Water Crisis
Feb 20, 2018 Asit K. Biswas & Cecilia Tortajada see crucial lessons for the continent's cities in the imminent shutdown of Cape Town's piped network.
India’s Homemade Food Crisis
India’s Homemade Food Crisis
Aug 8, 2014 Asit K. Biswas & Cecilia Tortajada attribute shortages and undernourishment to widespread wastage of output.