Carlos Lopes
Carlos Lopes, a professor at the Nelson Mandela School of Public Governance at the University of Cape Town, is a member of the World Resources Institute’s Board and Chair of the African Climate Foundation Board.
How Europe’s Carbon Border Tax Could Help Africa
How Europe’s Carbon Border Tax Could Help Africa
May 1, 2023 Carlos Lopes urges the European Union to consider African economies’ unique challenges when implementing its border tariff.
Helping Middle-Income Energy Exporters Kick the Fossil-Fuel Habit
Helping Middle-Income Energy Exporters Kick the Fossil-Fuel Habit
Jan 27, 2023 Carlos Lopes explains what it will take for resource-rich economies to diversify and develop new revenue sources.
The Rich World’s Empty Climate Promises
The Rich World’s Empty Climate Promises
Apr 29, 2022 Carlos Lopes highlights just how meager international financial support for adaptation and mitigation in Africa has been.
Africa Must Lead on Capital Flight
Africa Must Lead on Capital Flight
Nov 3, 2021 Carlos Lopes & Ricardo Soares de Oliveira lament policymakers' lack of initiative in combating one of the continent's most serious problems.
Building an EU-Africa Partnership of Equals
Building an EU-Africa Partnership of Equals
Dec 4, 2020 Carlos Lopes emphasizes the lessons and objectives that should guide coming efforts to reframe the relationship.