Andrew Steer
Andrew Steer is President and CEO of the Bezos Earth Fund.
Dread or Hope at COP27?
Dread or Hope at COP27?
Nov 8, 2022 Andrew Steer & Kelly Levin think both perspectives are needed to build more momentum toward achieving net-zero emissions.
Why Disaster Preparedness Cannot Wait
Why Disaster Preparedness Cannot Wait
Jun 26, 2020 Jagan Chapagain & Andrew Steer urge rich-world governments to ramp up investments that boost poorer countries' resilience to future threats.
A New Hope for US Climate Action
A New Hope for US Climate Action
Dec 10, 2019 Jules Kortenhorst & Andrew Steer argue that efforts by America's cities, states, and businesses are no substitute for federal leadership.
The Changing Landscape of Forest Management
The Changing Landscape of Forest Management
Apr 7, 2014 Andrew Steer & Paul Bulcke show how technology-driven transparency is aiding sustainability in a crucial area.
King Coal’s Climate Challenge
King Coal’s Climate Challenge
Nov 19, 2013 Andrew Steer provides a reality check on the climate-change implications of continued reliance on coal power.