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The Two Faces of Neoliberalism

The progenitors of neoliberalism were novel thinkers who engaged in scholarly pursuits while also seeking to instrumentalize their concepts in the real world. All wrestled with a question that came to dominate much of the twentieth century: Does freedom lead to prosperity, or is it the other way around?

CAMBRIDGE – Milton Friedman was not given to self-doubt. His commitment to the virtues of unobstructed markets made him the guru of deregulation, privatization, and free trade. In his view, unfettered capitalism is the bedrock of civic and political freedom, whereas societies that inhibit the workings of supply and demand are condemned to lose it. These beliefs undergirded the hyper-globalization that prevailed for half a century from the 1970s, and Friedman was their avatar.

Yet, late in life, Friedman did occasionally express doubts. Around the time China joined the World Trade Organization in 2001, he worried that his table-thumping “privatize, privatize, privatize!” mantra was a mistake. “I was wrong. That wasn’t enough,” he told an audience of perplexed conservatives. After all, Hong Kong and Singapore, once touted as mighty little engines of globalization, had become examples of market-oriented models yielding less freedom: property was sacred, but elections were not.

Friedman, the high priest of neoliberalism, eventually watched as his legacy gave way to political monetarism, soaring public debt, and, lately, the return of the regulatory state. To tell the story of his life, and the influence he brought to bear on the modern world – as Stanford historian Jennifer Burns does in a marvelous new biography, Milton Friedman: The Last Conservative – is to track the arc of our shifting attitudes toward markets and modernity more broadly.

Neoliberalism Unbound

There are two ways to tell the story of neoliberalism after its triumph. The first is a familiar narrative of hubris and excess. Neoliberals were zealots who carried their ideas too far. Determined to dislodge Keynesians from their command over policymaking and textbooks, they led a successful campaign to introduce their paradigm in universities and think tanks. Eventually, however, the realities of inequality, industrial wastelands, and environmental Armageddon caught up with, and then swamped, their ideals.

Now, even Republicans – who became the first political party to embrace the neoliberal faith when Barry Goldwater enshrined it in his 1964 presidential campaign (where Friedman enjoyed his first brush with executive authority) – are burning the flag they once waved. The only task that remains is to pick through the ruins of neoliberalism in a forensic effort to explain what went wrong.

The second way of telling the story begins by paying more attention to how economic ideas are generated, and how their progenitors reckon with messy realities. Both Burns’s book and economists Bruce Caldwell and Hansjoerg Klausinger’s Hayek: A Life, 1899-1950 – the first volume of what will surely be the definitive biography of Friedrich von Hayek – are masterpieces in this respect, offering a pathway to reconstruct neoliberalism’s intellectual history.

The picture of Friedman and Hayek that emerges is one of idea-makers who engaged in scholarly pursuits while seeking to instrumentalize their concepts – be it through corporate sponsors or by attaching themselves and their work to political movements. Both wrestled with the question that runs through neoliberalism’s entire genealogy: Does freedom lead to prosperity, or is it the other way around?

In the heyday of globalization, the answer looked settled. China was welcomed into the WTO on the assumption that commerce and prosperity would pull it toward democratization. Twenty years later, that conviction looks quaint. The end of the Cold War, and the apparent triumph of liberal democracy, had created the illusion of resolution. In retrospect, the uncertainty, equivocation, and moral compromises that Western leaders previously chose to ignore now appear in stark relief.

Friedman and Hayek posed neoliberalism’s core question even as the liberal century that dawned in the 1820s was drawing to a violent close. Born in a well-to-do Viennese family in 1899, Hayek grew up at the zenith of courtly Central European liberalism. Trained in law and political science at the University of Vienna, a veteran of World War I, and a careful reader of John Stuart Mill, he was a product of his age and therefore felt compelled to explain its bloody demise.

In doing so, Hayek adopted the prevailing eschatological view of history. Like so many others, he read Oswald Spengler’s apocalyptic The Decline of the West and echoed the German conservative’s disdain for modern world cities like New York when he made his first forays to America. 

The first half of Caldwell and Klausinger’s study shows “Fritz” reckoning with the eclipse of the genteel, aristocratic – though mildly anti-Semitic – Austrian liberalism he had always known. Still, the university remained a site of formative debates in philosophy, psychology, and economics. Hayek took all these in until he fell under the sway of the cantankerous and razor-sharp Ludwig von Mises, an economist already famous for his study of money and critique of socialist economic calculation. The great inflation of 1914-24 had put debates about market stability and socialist economic models at the heart of all liberals’ intellectual pursuits. 

It was this need to understand the fragile price mechanism that guided Hayek’s voyage into economics. Could there be capitalist stability without careful regulation of the money supply? Or as Hayek put it in an early study of US monetary policy, was any other measure doomed to be an “artificial” gimmick? 

These questions made their way – in the form of modern price theory – from the Vienna School to the Chicago School, fueling a vibrant and healthy debate that would shape both Friedman and Hayek. In the end, Hayek was better at clearly pinpointing problems and testing tools to explore a theory of economic cycles than he was at offering confident, definitive answers. With the conjuncture of wild economic swings from the 1914-24 inflation to the post-1929 market implosion, Hayek saw that the role of prices in the social sustainability of capitalism posed a dilemma – one that brought him to the edge of a nervous breakdown.  

Of Serfs and Men

In 1931, an invitation to lecture at the London School of Economics pulled Hayek out of the Austrian vortex and brought him into the center of a debate over how the state might compensate for the marketplace’s failures. It was in London that he wrote his landmark The Road to Serfdom, the ur-text of post-war neoliberalism, and a direct rejoinder to the other ur-text of twentieth-century economics, John Maynard Keynes’s General Theory of Employment, Interest, and Money. But in the ensuing struggle between economic planning and the market, Hayek lost. In the words of one of his most faithful students, “When I came up to the LSE in the early 1930s, everybody was a Hayekian; at the end of the decade there were only two of us: Hayek and myself.”

The passing of the liberal era forced Hayek to dig deeper into the operation and later unwinding of the market economy. He saw market forces as necessary to coordinate activity when knowledge was dispersed and subjective. In the absence of central authority, it fell to millions of human exchanges and transfers of information across a vast array of activities to let the price mechanism adjust, signal, and guide peoples’ choices.

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In response to the tragic consequences of the Great Depression, economists and policymakers had seized on “planning” as a solution to the not-so-self-correcting market. Hayek, however, saw planning as more than an expedient; it was a full-scale epistemic upheaval that signaled the final denouement of nineteenth-century liberalism. Freedom had produced prosperity, yet the anxiety to preserve the comforts that had been attained was now leading people to embrace rationalized production and distribution managed by the state.

Faith in humanity’s ability to command information, new tools, and scientific reason in the service of a planned future was in keeping with the spirit of the age. That is why Keynes became Hayek’s nemesis. Their clashes have been so well catalogued that it would be hard to imagine any detail that would change the picture we have of Keynes and the modern regulatory welfare state on the rise, and of Hayek and a handful of grumpy ordoliberals playing the role of Cassandras. 

But the hype around expertise and engineering did more than underscore antinomies between Keynesians and Hayekians; it also revealed how much Hayek worried about modern society’s overconfidence in its ability to master the world, what he called “scientism.” He poured all his dismay into Road. Meant to be part of a two-volume study originally called “The Abuse and Decline of Reason,” Road has since become a touchstone of neoliberal thought. As Hayek wrote in a letter to the American journalist Walter Lippmann in 1937, “the whole trend towards planning is an effect of a misunderstanding of the ‘scientific’ method and a result of the exuberance about the power of human reason abused by the scientific progress of the last hundred years.” Reason is not a thing; it is a process, which implies that progress cannot be planned.

With the Luftwaffe raining bombs down on London, Hayek remained in his study, writing. When Road appeared in the United States in September 1944, it was hailed as a “tract for the times.” But it has also proven to be a timeless critique of planning, and a defense – often obscured by later free marketeers – of the pursuit of higher values in guiding an economy. Many conveniently forget that Hayek was critical of laissez-faire and advocated welfare policies, if for no other reason than to thwart the appeals of central planning. When Keynes read Road while travelling to Bretton Woods to co-design the post-war economic order, he found himself “in a deeply moved agreement.”

In their first volume on Hayek’s life, Caldwell and Klausinger have engaged in such a thorough examination of published and archival materials that they occasionally let details overwhelm the story. But even if it is no page turner, Hayek is a deeply impressive work. They take seriously their subject’s tortuous quest to answer fundamental questions, and they follow him until his achievement of celebrity in America. After a condensed version of Road appeared in Reader’s Digest, it became a sensational hit in the early Cold War years, doubling as a jeremiad against both socialism and government largesse. 

Several million copies were printed, including a graphic version, and General Motors issued its own pamphlet edition. This abridged version, Hayek later discovered, tarred economic planners as socialists and enemies of freedom. It also airbrushed sections that ascribed responsibility to citizen-consumers as the authors of the return to serfdom, for they were willing to forfeit the burden of making choices in favor of the comforts of certainty. It was not the first time that Hayek’s ideas would be distorted in the service of a project that he both willingly allied himself with and frequently found discomfiting.

Economic Man

For the most part, however, Hayek kept his concerns to himself, partly because he needed the money. Best-sellers were his ticket to cover the costs of a messy divorce. At the end of Caldwell and Klausinger’s book, it is 1950 and Hayek has decided to leave the LSE for a higher-paying sinecure at the University of Chicago. His new employer, however, is not the Economics Department but the Committee on Social Thought, and his salary is furnished not by the university but by the William Volker Fund.

These ties to the Volker Fund, a charity established by a Kansas City mogul committed to libertarian causes, were key to another Hayekian legacy: the creation of the Mont Pèlerin Society, so named for a hillside overlooking Lake Geneva where a group of self-described neoliberals gathered to revive the creed in the shadow of Stalin and the welfare state. Mont Pèlerin looms large in neoliberal lore as the seed from which a global network grew, spreading its boughs until it had become the new orthodoxy, elevating its progeny to 10 Downing Street (the UK premiership) and the White House.

Though the initial goal, in 1947, was simply to hold a summit for committed liberals from Europe and North America, Hayek wanted more from the start, envisaging a “society” of thinkers to rebuild the intellectual foundations of liberalism. His inspiration had been a similar meeting led by Lippmann and Louis Rougier (where the term neoliberalism was coined) in Paris in 1938. But after central planners had ended the Depression and won the war, the neoliberal coalition had become smaller compared to the delegations at Paris a decade earlier. Compared to the heroic fight against totalitarianism, the struggle against Keynesianism was just not as sexy.

Moreover, fault lines soon opened between pragmatists and idealists, between economists and philosophers, and between those espousing particular policies and those favoring general principles. Karl Popper and von Mises even quarreled over the list of invitees, and another participant rounded on von Mises with the argument that “perfect freedom exists in the jungle. There is no law there. I think if we carry out the suggestions of Professor von Mises we shall be in the jungle.” Still, thanks to British economist Lionel Robbins’s organizational and diplomatic skill and Hayek’s determination, the meeting culminated in a final memorandum of association that made Hayek the new society’s president. 

Present at the founding of the Mont Pèlerin Society was Friedman, a rising star in the Department of Economics at the University of Chicago who was already campaigning to cap taxes and government spending. At the final session of the summit, he argued that rescuing liberalism required eliminating all anti-poverty policies, except reforms to income taxes. Hayek retorted: “Freedom not to work is a luxury which the poor country cannot afford.” In Hayek’s view, letting the market sort out whether one had a job or not, and letting taxation do all the work of reducing poverty, was not the road to liberalism’s renewal.

The Two Chicago Ways

It would be hard to imagine two characters more different. Side by side, Hayek, the Old World near-aristocrat, and Friedman, the Jew who graduated from Rutgers University in New Jersey, made an odd couple indeed. The former was raised in the sunset years of liberalism, whereas the latter started his career during the Great Depression. The former was utterly insouciant about family, whereas the latter was the devoted husband of an equally brilliant wife and co-author, Rose Friedman. 

In fact, as Burns shows, Friedman did a great deal to support and promote women economists. But these efforts had their limits. The Nobel Prize awarded to him in 1976 was not shared with Anna Schwartz, his co-author on A Monetary History of the United States, which reframed American capitalism since the post-Civil War Reconstruction era as a struggle over the stock of money – singling out the US Federal Reserve for turning a slump into a depression in the 1930s. Similarly, when US President Ronald Reagan awarded Friedman the Medal of Freedom in 1988, Friedman did not share it with Rose, but always viewed her as his intellectual equal. (President George W. Bush later quipped that she was the only person who ever beat him in an argument.)

Friedman’s brashness contrasted with Hayek’s stuffy Olympian style. Friedman’s tendency to interrupt speakers and draw them into argument drove Hayek to distraction, and Mont Pèlerin summits left him ever more disaffected as Friedman’s star rose in the movement.

But there was also a deeper divergence between the two men, one that is playing out now within the Republican Party in the US and across the global right. Then as now, neoliberals split wildly in outlook. Friedman was optimistic about the market’s resilience and the tendency of individual wants to corrode any government effort to manage them. Hayek, especially in Road, came to the opposite conclusion: consumer-citizens would invite government control to allay their uncertainties as their wants mounted. Both inclined toward a belief in the inevitable outcomes of History, only to deliver opposite prophecies of what History held in store.

Still, they shared a basic faith in the efficiency of the market and the importance of private property to a free society. They thrived when declinism was the Zeitgeist; both believed that liberalism was perennially on the ropes and in need of rescue. Left unguarded, the marketplace was the innocent child waiting to be pounced upon by the wolves of statism, socialism, and social engineers.

How to think about these neoliberal thinkers depends on one’s perspective. With the lens pulled back, they merge into a tradition that defends private property over public goods, markets over the state, and choice over security. Zoom in closer, however, and discrepancies appear. It is the fate of the biographical genre to bring the lens right up close to the subject and blur the background. As a result, the importance of specific neoliberal ideas to the broader movement is not always clear.

My own read is that both Hayek and Friedman were fully aware of the utility of their ideas for particular interests – and, to a certain extent, serving such interests was the point. Their commitment to objectivity in economics inevitably chafed against – some would say melded with – the objectives of their patrons.

What Price?

Friedman’s story is especially illustrative of this tension, largely because he was more interested in changing public policy than Hayek was. Burns traces Friedman’s life from his upbringing through the University of Chicago – where he engaged with the complexity of the price theory as propounded by its founders, especially Frank Knight – to his rise to prominence in the debates over US welfare and monetary policies in the 1970s and 1980s.

But the book can also be read as a tour of the broader debate about capitalism, as seen through the eyes of a man who had an unwavering view from the start. At Chicago, Burns notes, “price was policy,” and thus became the anchor for Friedman’s thought, no matter where his mind ventured. And venture it did, across a vast terrain, from consumption and monetary theory to methodologies of prediction and economic history.

What is remarkable is how little Friedman changed his mind about fundamentals, and how little he agonized about the implications of his views, in contrast to Caldwell and Klausinger’s self-tormenting Hayek. For a deeply empirical economist, he seldom let new data or concepts shake his convictions. Instead, Friedman accrued tools, data, and, eventually, a master narrative about American capitalism – all to advance a comprehensive assault on Keynesianism.

For his pains, he would earn the greatest recognition available to an economist, just as elements of the welfare state were starting to crumble. But Friedman was not just observing and theorizing the changing spirit of the age; he was an active partisan. The day Friedman received his Nobel Prize in 1976, he was not in his Chicago office or at the lectern; he was phoning delegates to a Tennessee constitutional convention, urging them to resist those pushing for big spending, while stumping in Detroit for an amendment to Michigan’s constitution to cap public disbursements. 

Friedman’s zeal for public campaigning revealed a willingness to look past complexity, and to align with sponsors who were promoting strident crusades. Burns tells the story of Friedman’s dalliance with the Volker Fund and the Foundation for Economic Education, which distorted the message of a pamphlet he had co-authored with George Stigler, a close friend and colleague at Chicago. The authors had denounced the effects of rent controls on the housing market, but they still argued for justice considerations. By contrast, the final pamphlet – with a print run of half a million copies, funded by the National Association of Real Estate Boards – had removed the passage about equality. 

Stigler and Friedman were outraged. But over time, Friedman learned to accept such compromises as he went from being a star in print media, sharing an alternating column in Newsweek with the Keynesian economist Paul Samuelson, to becoming a TV regular. He became the world’s first celebrity economist, partly because he had figured out how to meld his message to the media, condensing it to sharp, angular declarations stripped of nuance or qualifiers.

By then, the question of whether freedom was the key condition of prosperity had come to the fore. Some of his former students and colleagues from the University of Chicago had returned to Chile and led the charge to roll back the developmental and socialist state. After the military toppled the elected government of Salvador Allende in 1973, the “Chicago Boys” seized the levers of economic policy. General Augusto Pinochet may have been an international pariah, but he made Chile a lab for radical free-marketeers and anti-inflationary shock treatment. 

Rolf Lüders, a magnate-cum-minister of state who had previously written a dissertation supervised by Friedman, organized a six-day tour for his mentor in 1975. While in Chile, Friedman shuffled between the Sheraton, various ministries, the central bank, a personal audience with Pinochet, and staged PR sessions with the media. But the visit had scant effect on policy, because the Chicago Boys had already embarked on their plan to reshape Chilean capitalism. At most, Friedman allayed Pinochet’s reservations about austerity, going out of his way to defend and explain its virtues publicly.

Meanwhile, Friedman shrugged at rampant violations of human rights, this being one of the few occasions on which he admitted to knowing nothing. His vigorous support for shock treatment, together with his eagerness to blame the country’s economic problems on peasant and worker demands under Allende, contrasted with his bland statements about Chilean politics. On the topic of the military regime’s cruelty, he had nothing to say. He was all too happy to pose in front of microphones to promote his ideas, apparently oblivious to his role as a “stooge” for Pinochet’s counter-revolution.

The romp through Chile illustrates the equivocations behind Friedman’s convictions. Though he had long fashioned himself as a libertarian who believed in the braided nature of freedom and prosperity, Chile was a moment of truth. Forced to choose, he made clear that the market mattered more than democracy.

As Friedman argued before an aghast Chilean audience, “the economic marketplace” is more democracy-enhancing than “the political marketplace.” In politics, where the choice is yes or no, many are left disenfranchised; but in economics, there is such a wide range of choices that few will be left out. Friedman seems not to have heard Hayek’s warning, in 1947, about the illusion of choice for those without jobs. In the real world, Chilean unemployment topped 20%, thanks to the shock treatment Friedman was defending.

By the mid-1970s, Friedman had long since abandoned scholarly pursuits and was fully embarked on a worldwide campaign against the welfare and developmentalist policies of the post-1945 order. He dined with Margaret Thatcher a year before her ascent to the British premiership, and cabled her a congratulatory message as the votes came in on election night. She replied with a telegram whose pugnacity would have made Hayek squirm: “The battle has now begun. We must win.”

A Complicated Legacy

Was the era of neoliberalism a victory of ideas? If so, one must ask which ideas, because as Burns, Caldwell, and Klausinger show, the entire project was based on a bundling of occasionally incompatible concepts.

Or perhaps the ideas merely offered a patina of intellectual respectability to a campaign of self-interest by society’s haves. This view certainly has gained traction since the 2008 financial crisis. Disenchantment with free trade is widespread, and we have witnessed the return of the regulatory spending state. Not since the 1930s, when the seeds of neoliberalism were sown, have the self-interested ruling classes come under so much scrutiny. It should not surprise us that the concepts they touted have also been criticized by historians and social scientists for their racism, classism, and wavering commitment to democracy. 

But when examined more closely, and with ideas treated as more than mere means to self-interested ends, a different account emerges. The twentieth-century debate about markets, even among socialists, was as defining of modern life as the debate over political equality and the meaning of citizenship. Thanks to Burns, Caldwell, and Klausinger, we have the building blocks for a less reductive narrative about the marketplace of ideas and ideas about the market.
