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  • Read – and keep – this and all of the 24 commentaries by world leaders and top thinkers featured in Fatal Attraction – The Year Ahead, 2017.

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    1. deaton4_AFP Stringer_ China lifestyle development Beijing family AFP/Stringer

      Getting Past the Globalization Bogeyman

      Angus Deaton discusses the nuances of globalization and inequality that populist critiques have missed.
    2. Indian entrepreneurs coffee business in New Delhi Mint/Getty Images

      Democracy, Inclusion, and Prosperity

      Raghuram G. Rajan says we cannot complacently assume that political freedom always creates economic prosperity.
    3. Bannon in Trump Tower Drew Angerer/Getty Images
      Free to read

      The Emergence of a Post-Fact World

      Francis Fukuyama surveys the West's new political terrain – and sees a wilderness of uprooted institutional landmarks.
    4. Flint 40% of population  below the poverty line NurPhoto

      The Age of Trump

      Joseph E. Stiglitz says Trump is no accident: we brought him on ourselves.
    5. children playing Anadolu Agency/Getty Images

      Open Society Needs Defending

      George Soros brings his personal history to bear on the threat posed by today’s ascendant populists.
    6. Cashier in Portland Portland Press Herald

      The Challenge of Economic Inclusion

      Christine Lagarde proposes steps to address the main challenges policymakers will confront in 2017.
    7. Q1-GettyImages-1782198740-4896x1224px

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    8. Leave supporter by Tower bridge in London Jeff Spicer/Stringer

      Lessons from the Populist Revolt

      Michael J. Sandel identifies four main issues that progressive political parties must address in the face of rising populism.
    9. China's solar energy panel Kevin Frayer/Getty Images

      The Economic Promise of Climate-Smart Infrastructure

      Joaquim Levy touts efforts to improve the risk profile of investments that would boost growth and reduce poverty.
    10. Hungary National Day Anadolu Agency/Getty Images

      How Eastern Europe Blew Up the West

      Maciej Kisilowski explains why Viktor Orbán’s brand of “illiberal democracy” has succeeded as a political innovation.
    11. Palestianian women throw stones at Israeli security Hazem Bader/Stringer

      A Middle East Peace Agenda for 2017

      Abdullah Gül says the spillover effects of conflicts throughout the region will demand a response this year.
    12. Xi Jingping honor guard in Beijing Feng Li/Getty Images

      Xi Jinping’s Year of Living Dangerously

      Minxin Pei says the Chinese president has domestic adversaries who should not be written off just yet.
    13. protests in Rome about closure of mosques 2016 Anadolu Agency/Getty Images

      The Religion Question in the New Year

      Tarek Osman says the Middle East's young people can learn from religious history to move their region forward.

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