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  • Over the past decade, a mix of global shocks and more subtle, creeping trends has exposed the fragility of twenty-first century progress. It remains to be seen whether we are witnessing a new Great Game, a Cold War 2.0, or merely a continuation of past trends. But it is already clear that the international community will need to set some new ground rules, lest it cease being a community at all.

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      Rethinking Maximalist Macro Policy

      Kenneth Rogoff argues that changing global conditions are exposing the flaws of overly ambitious economic policies.
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      From “Never Again” to Never Happened

      Michelle Bachelet argues that a lack of attention to past atrocities has created the conditions for new ones.
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      Africa’s Reform Moment

      Malado Kaba says that recent global upheavals have created the conditions for improving governance across the continent.
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      A New Cold War Order?

      Mikhail Gorbachev & Nina L. Khrushcheva call for new and more inclusive international security institutions.
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      Pandemic Unpreparedness

      Helen Clark thinks that, despite two years of COVID-19, the world is nowhere near ready for the next novel pathogen.
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      The New Geopolitics

      Bruno Maçães thinks today's rivalries will determine who shapes the rules under which everyone else must live.
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      After the Nation-State

      Antara Haldar argues that solving the world's most pressing problems will require new collective identities.
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      The Age of Informational Statecraft

      Audrye Wong describes how China, Russia, and other authoritarian regimes are making their case before a global audience.
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      A World of Food Insecurity

      Agnes Kalibata offers three ideas for making food systems more resilient and sustainable in the face of new and growing risks.
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      Germany's Russian Energy Shock

      Helen Thompson shows how the war in Ukraine has shattered the political foundations of a decades-old relationship.
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      The New Energy Risk

      Karen Karniol-Tambour shows why acute energy shortages are set to remain a persistent feature of the global economy.
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      The New-Style Energy Crisis

      Daniel Yergin about the present and future of commodities following Russia's invasion of Ukraine.

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