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With German voters clearly demanding comprehensive change, the far right has been capitalizing on the public's discontent and benefiting from broader global political trends. If the country's democratic parties cannot deliver, they may soon find that they are no longer the mainstream.
explains why the outcome may decide whether the political “firewall” against the far right can hold.
The Russian and (now) American vision of "peace" in Ukraine would be no peace at all. The immediate task for Europe is not only to navigate Donald’s Trump unilateral pursuit of a settlement, but also to ensure that any deal does not increase the likelihood of an even wider war.
sees a Korea-style armistice with security guarantees as the only viable option in Ukraine.
Rather than engage in lengthy discussions to pry concessions from Russia, US President Donald Trump seems committed to giving the Kremlin whatever it wants to end the Ukraine war. But rewarding the aggressor and punishing the victim would amount to setting the stage for the next war.
warns that by punishing the victim, the US is setting up Europe for another war.
Within his first month back in the White House, Donald Trump has upended US foreign policy and launched an all-out assault on the country’s constitutional order. With US institutions bowing or buckling as the administration takes executive power to unprecedented extremes, the establishment of an authoritarian regime cannot be ruled out.
The rapid advance of AI might create the illusion that we have created a form of algorithmic intelligence capable of understanding us as deeply as we understand one another. But these systems will always lack the essential qualities of human intelligence.
explains why even cutting-edge innovations are not immune to the world’s inherent unpredictability.
纽约—2011年7月挪威大屠杀和最近威斯康星州奥克利克(Oak Creek)袭击锡克教徒事件都是想把世界带回他们的新纳粹梦想的右翼极端分子所为。类似地,实施了2011年9月11日的恐怖袭击的伊斯兰极端分子也将其他宗教和文化视为威胁。但如果你认为我们的领导人没有在憎恨上火上浇油,那你就想得太简单了,他们的“沙文主义”无非更加文明些罢了。
这些都不是新鲜事。日本在二战中的累累恶行很容易地就将美国人民关于1924年移民法和其他旨在将日本人和中国人驱逐出美国的联邦立法以及加利福尼亚州1913年侨民土地法等种族主义州立法的公众记忆抹去了。随着战争的爆发,日裔美国人被剥夺了自由,关进了集中营。加利福尼亚州总检察长沃伦(Earl Warren)为此叫好,而正是这个沃伦十年后在美国最高法院首席大法官任上主导废除了美国黑人种族隔离政策的核心——隔离但平等(separate-but-equal)。
这样做的效果——特别是在长时间的反日情绪酝酿之后——不难预测,那就是种族主义暴力潮,其中就包括砸毁日本车。华裔美国人陈果仁(Vincent Chin)因被误认为日本人而遭殴打致死,这也可以说是历史的回音,让人想起了1941年12月号《生活》(Life)杂志上刊登的关于如何区分日本人和中国人的毫无科学根据的文章。
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不幸的是,奥巴马政府一直指责印度外包是导致美国人失去工作的罪魁。类似地,纽约州参议员舒默(Charles Schumer)热衷于排日、排华和排印——其野蛮和经济上的无知令人发指——而加利福尼亚州参议员波瑟(Barbara Boxer)抨击她最近的选举对手菲奥莉娜(Carly Fiorina)在担任惠普公司CEO期间裁掉了30000个工作岗位。事实上,在一个高度竞争的世界中,惠普公司以牺牲30000个岗位的代价保住了150 000人的工作。