palacio133_Eduardo ParraEuropa Press via Getty Images_natomadridsummit Eduardo Parra/Europa Press via Getty Images

Reawakening NATO

No single summit can resolve NATO’s deficiencies and meet its lofty goals, from reaffirming shared values to enhancing resilience, especially with a conventional conflict raging on its eastern doorstep. But the Madrid summit can – and must – lay the foundations for a more united, robust, and revitalized alliance.

MADRID – Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg has repeatedly hailed NATO as the “most successful Alliance in history.” But, at their upcoming summit in Madrid, NATO heads of state and government will face serious challenges, from America’s weariness with Europe’s tendency to “trade away” geopolitical differences to tensions over Turkey’s efforts to block Finland and Sweden’s membership bids. Will transactional politics taint this summit – and NATO’s future?