Matthias Evers
Matthias Evers is a senior partner in McKinsey’s Hamburg office and co-leads the firm’s global research and development work in the pharmaceutical and medical products practice.
The Promise and Peril of the Bio-Revolution
The Promise and Peril of the Bio-Revolution
Jan 26, 2021 Matthias Evers & Michael Chui call for a public debate on how best to realize the benefits of biological innovation while mitigating the risks.
Long Live the Bio-Revolution
Long Live the Bio-Revolution
Dec 30, 2020 Michael Chui & Matthias Evers tout a host of recent innovations that promise to make food systems more resilient, inclusive, and efficient.
COVID-19 and the Bio-Revolution
COVID-19 and the Bio-Revolution
Jun 10, 2020 Michael Chui & Matthias Evers illuminate the promise and perils of the current wave of biological innovation.