Luis Alberto Moreno
Luis Alberto Moreno is President of the Inter-American Development Bank, and a member of the World Economic Forum’s Foundation Board.
Emerging Economies Should Build Back Greener
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Emerging Economies Should Build Back Greener
Jul 27, 2020 Luis Alberto Moreno & Henry M. Paulson, Jr. urge emerging economies to use the post-pandemic recovery to address existing structural problems.
Why Governments Should Invest in Sports
Why Governments Should Invest in Sports
Jun 29, 2018 Luis Alberto Moreno says that the World Cup doesn't scratch the surface of soccer's community-strengthening potential.
A Truly Global Response to Climate Change
A Truly Global Response to Climate Change
Dec 11, 2017 Akinwumi A. Adesina, et al. reaffirm their institutions' commitment to supporting the implementation of the 2015 Paris agreement.
A Belt and Road for the Americas?
A Belt and Road for the Americas?
Nov 23, 2017 Luis Alberto Moreno argues that the US should attempt to re-engage with its southern neighbors – or lose out to China.
A Latin American Spring?
A Latin American Spring?
Mar 3, 2016 Luis Alberto Moreno is hopeful that the region can shake off its legacy of weak institutions.