Jomo Kwame Sundaram
Jomo Kwame Sundaram was Assistant Director-General and Coordinator for Economic and Social Development in the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, and received the 2007 Wassily Leontief Prize for Advancing the Frontiers of Economic Thought.
Free Trade’s Diminishing Returns
Free Trade’s Diminishing Returns
Aug 5, 2016 Jomo Kwame Sundaram & Vladimir Popov suggest that free-trade deals neither raise advanced-economy incomes, nor serve poor countries.
How to End Hunger
How to End Hunger
Jul 8, 2016 Hilal Elver & Jomo Kwame Sundaram underscore the need to raise the world's shockingly low levels of social protection.
The Trans-Pacific Shell Game
The Trans-Pacific Shell Game
Jun 1, 2016 Jomo Kwame Sundaram skewers the exaggerated claims being made about the recently signed TPP trade deal.
Fat’s Heavy Burden
Fat’s Heavy Burden
Jul 20, 2015 Jomo Kwame Sundaram makes a strong case for coordinated action aimed at reducing obesity worldwide.
The Good-Governance Trap
The Good-Governance Trap
Jun 24, 2015 Jomo Kwame Sundaram & Michael T. Clark identify a better approach to fostering economic and social development.