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Eduardo Levy Yeyati

Eduardo Levy Yeyati

12 commentaries

Eduardo Levy Yeyati, a former chief economist of the Central Bank of Argentina, is Dean of the School of Government at Universidad Torcuato Di Tella, Faculty Director of the Center for Evidence-Based Policy, and a non-resident senior fellow at the Brookings Institution.

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  1. Latin America’s Triple Policy Challenge
    goldfajn1_RONALDO SCHEMIDTAFP via Getty Images_poverty covid lac RONALDO SCHEMIDT/AFP via Getty Images

    Latin America’s Triple Policy Challenge

    Aug 30, 2022 Ilan Goldfajn & Eduardo Levy Yeyati argue that subpar growth, fiscal imbalances, and rising inequality must be addressed simultaneously.

  2. Argentina's Imaginary Miracle
    velasco122_RONALDO SCHEMIDTAFP via Getty Images_argentina RONALDO SCHEMIDTAFP via Getty Images

    Argentina's Imaginary Miracle

    Jan 21, 2022 Andrés Velasco & Eduardo Levy Yeyati think the data do not support bullish assessments of the Fernández administration’s economic record.

  3. Latin America’s Pandemic of Woe
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    Latin America’s Pandemic of Woe

    Jan 14, 2021 Mauricio Cárdenas, et al. fear that a protracted economic crisis could cause the region’s political climate to worsen in 2021.

  4. The COVID Reset Latin America Needs
    velasco108_MARTIN BERNETTIAFP via Getty Images_latin america covid19 Martin Bernetti/AFP via Getty Images

    The COVID Reset Latin America Needs

    Nov 9, 2020 Mauricio Cárdenas, et al. identify two structural weaknesses that the pandemic has highlighted – and that policymakers must overcome.

  5. Latin America’s Middle-Class Mirage
    m5159c.jpg Barrie Maguire

    Latin America’s Middle-Class Mirage

    Sep 25, 2013 Eduardo Levy Yeyati on the illusion of emerging countries' growing middle classes.

  1. strain33_TheWashingtonPostGettyImages_make_america_wealthy_again The Washington Post/Getty Images

    What Will Trump Do to the US Economy?

    From cutting taxes to raising tariffs to eroding central-bank independence, US President-elect Donald Trump has made a wide range of economic promises, many of which threaten to blow up the deficit and fuel inflation. But powerful institutional, political, and economic constraints, together with Trump’s capriciousness, have spurred disagreement about how worried we should be.

  2. duranton1_Benoit DoppagneGettyImages_eu_industry_engagement Benoit Doppagne/Getty Images

    Europe’s CEOs Must Speak Up on AI Regulation

    Sylvain Duranton & Kirsten Rulf worry that the drafting of legal frameworks is being left to just a few players.
  3. gross4_Justin SullivanGetty Images_trump Justin Sullivan/Getty Images

    An American Catastrophe

    Jan T. Gross wonders how long it will take the United States to rebuild what Donald Trump is about to destroy.
  4. op_goldin3_Timothy HearsumDesign Pics EditorialUniversal Images Group via Getty Images_USmigrantworker Timothy Hearsum/Design Pics Editorial/Universal Images Group via Getty Images

    The Truth About Migration

    Ian Goldin

    Anti-immigration politicians like US President-elect Donald Trump frequently portray migrants as displacing native workers and straining social security systems. But studies consistently show that increased migration brings enormous economic benefits to both host and origin countries.

    warns that stricter border controls often exacerbate the very problems they aim to solve.
  5. gros193_SOPA ImagesGettyImages_eu_ukraine_flags_big_ben SOPA Images/Getty Images

    Is It the Hour of Europe Again?

    Daniel Gros urges European leaders to support Ukraine, politically and financially, if Donald Trump abandons it.
  6. acemoglu82_Evgenia ParajanianGettyImages_h1b_visa Evgenia Parajanian/Getty Images

    Are High-Skill Immigrants a Problem?

    Daron Acemoglu

    The H-1B visa debate within Donald Trump’s Silicon Valley/MAGA coalition raises some important questions for how the United States should think about education and technology in an increasingly globalized knowledge economy. While high-skill immigration can deliver win-win outcomes, there are no guarantees that it will.

    highlights some underappreciated risks of policies like the United States’ H-1B visa program.
  7. zizek41_Mikhail SvetlovGetty Images_putinkirill Mikhail Svetlov/Getty Images

    Fundamentalist Perverts

    Slavoj Žižek regards most violent religious conservatism as merely an inauthentic expression of resentment.
  8. barral1_CARL DE SOUZAAFP via Getty Images_brazilsolarpower Carl de Souza/AFP via Getty Images

    What Climate Justice Means for Latin America and the Caribbean

    Thiago Barral & Woochong Um urge policymakers to work with key stakeholders to accelerate the uptake of renewables.
  9. ellingrud1_Nuthawut SomsukGettyImages_globe_coin Nuthawut Somsuk/Getty Images

    Subsistence Is Not Enough

    Kweilin Ellingrud, et al. highlight the private sector’s potential role in improving affordability and promoting shared prosperity.

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