Bernard-Henri Lévy
Bernard-Henri Lévy is one of the founders of the “Nouveaux Philosophes” (New Philosophers) movement. His books include Left in Dark Times: A Stand Against the New Barbarism, American Vertigo: Traveling America in the Footsteps of Tocqueville, and most recently, The Empire and the Five Kings.
Europe Lives On
Europe Lives On
Feb 7, 2020 Bernard-Henri Lévy looks for what can be salvaged or made new following the United Kingdom's formal departure.
Hold the Brexit Con Artists to Account
Hold the Brexit Con Artists to Account
Jun 17, 2019 Bernard-Henri Lévy laments the cancellation of a trial focusing on the Leave campaign's lies ahead of the 2016 referendum.
Ode to Our Lady of Europe
Ode to Our Lady of Europe
Apr 17, 2019 Bernard-Henri Lévy searches for meaning and hope in the aftermath of the conflagration in Paris.
Google, Fake News, and the Crisis of Truth
Google, Fake News, and the Crisis of Truth
Feb 11, 2019 Bernard-Henri Lévy probes the intellectual history behind today's alternative facts and creeping authoritarianism.
Will the Yellow Vests Reject the Brown Shirts?
Will the Yellow Vests Reject the Brown Shirts?
Dec 5, 2018 Bernard-Henri Lévy urges France's grassroots protest movement to reaffirm its commitment to republican democracy.