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The Light Bulb

The New Enlightenment

62 commentaries

  1. gevorgyan1_In Pictures Ltd.Corbis via Getty Images_indigenousnature In Pictures Ltd./Corbis via Getty Images

    AI Alone Won’t Save the Planet

    Yana Gevorgyan calls for an “augmented intelligence” that combines algorithms with human knowledge and lived experience.
  2. mazzucato72_Getty Images_common good Getty Images

    Collective Intelligence and the Common Good

    Mariana Mazzucato worries that a new buzzword is perpetuating a costly myth about how innovation and value creation work.
  3. Winter Sale: Save 40% on a new PS subscription
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    Winter Sale: Save 40% on a new PS subscription

    At a time of escalating global turmoil, there is an urgent need for incisive, informed analysis of the issues and questions driving the news – just what PS has always provided.

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  4. livingston4_ KAMIL KRZACZYNSKIAFP via Getty Images_prideparade Kamil Krzaczynski/AFP via Getty Images

    Two Cheers for Identity Politics

    James Livingston argues that critics of the contemporary focus on issues of race, gender, and sexuality are ignoring history.
  5. mazzucato68_Muhammet Ikbal ArslanAnadolu via Getty Images_worldhealthassembly Muhammet Ikbal Arslan/Anadolu via Getty Images

    The Economics of Health for All

    Mariana Mazzucato explains why pandemic prevention and preparedness must be embedded in economic policymaking.
  6. mazzucato62 Getty Images

    Governments Must Shape AI’s Future

    Mariana Mazzucato & Fausto Gernone urge policymakers to see themselves as proactive participants in technological innovation and market-making.
  7. badre29_Andriy OnufriyenkoGetty Images_AIhuman Andriy Onufriyenko/Getty Images

    How to Democratize AI

    Bertrand Badré & Charles Gorintin propose an approach to the technology designed to ensure that its benefits are available to everyone.
  8. mazzucato61_ Leon NealGetty Images_UKlabourgreen Leon Neal/Getty Images

    A Progressive Green Growth Narrative

    Mariana Mazzucato offers a multi-pronged argument to counter the claim that fighting climate change is economically burdensome.
  9. rodrik218_Robert GauthierLos Angeles Times via Getty Images_wageinequality Robert Gauthier/Los Angeles Times via Getty Images

    Confronting Our Four Biggest Economic Challenges

    Dani Rodrik outlines a broad agenda that national governments and international policymakers should pursue in 2024.

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  1. hoven1_Ashley CooperConstruction PhotographyAvalonGetty Images_housesolarpanel Ashley Cooper/Construction Photography/Avalon/Getty Images

    The Key to Universal Energy Access Is Green

    Ingrid-Gabriela Hoven & Francesco La Camera tout the transformative potential of distributed renewable energy systems.
  2. rajan97_Douglas RissingGettyImages_us_dollar_treasury Douglas Rissing/Getty Images

    Trumponomics’ Exorbitant Burden

    Raghuram G. Rajan

    According to the incoming chair of US President Donald Trump’s Council of Economic Advisers, America runs large trade deficits and struggles to compete in manufacturing because foreign demand for US financial assets has made the dollar too strong. It is not a persuasive argument.

    is unpersuaded by the argument made by presidential advisers for unilaterally restructuring global trade.
  3. norrlof11_SOPA ImagesGettyImages_bitcoin_us_dollar SOPA Images/Getty Images

    Trump, Bitcoin, and the Future of the Dollar

    Carla Norrlöf

    By launching new trade wars and ordering the creation of a Bitcoin reserve, Donald Trump is assuming that US trade partners will pay any price to maintain access to the American market. But if he is wrong about that, the dominance of the US dollar, and all the advantages it confers, could be lost indefinitely.

    doubts the US administration can preserve the greenback’s status while pursuing its trade and crypto policies.
  4. khrushcheva190_Andrew HarnikGettyImages_trump_zelensky_oval_office Andrew Harnik/Getty Images

    Fear and Loathing in the Oval Office

    Nina L. Khrushcheva sees traces of Stalin and Mao in Donald Trump’s penchant for ritual humiliation of foe and friend alike.
  5. juergensgrant1_R. Satish BabuGettyImages_india_construction_worker R. Satish Babu/Getty Images

    Future-Proofing Social Protection

    Florian Juergens-Grant & Luca Pellerano explain why employers’ contributions should be determined by capital intensity, not just labor stock.
  6. coyle38_DrAfter123Getty Images_AI DrAfter123/Getty Images

    Diane Coyle on innovation, AI, economic data, and more

    Diane Coyle suggests ways to account for “free” digital services in economic frameworks, considers how to prevent the emergence of AI monopolies, warns that cutting funding for basic research is tantamount to destroying the US economy’s foundations, and more.
  7. schor2 Getty Images

    Long Weekends Forever

    Juliet B. Schor recognizes the technology's potential to facilitate a four-day workweek, benefiting workers and owners alike.
  8. karman2 Getty Images

    Overcoming the Sectarian Challenge to Democracy

    Tawakkol Karman explains what it will take to forge a sustainable political settlement in Syria and elsewhere in the Middle East.
  9. johnson183 Getty Images

    The World According to the Oligarchs

    Simon Johnson explains how techno-monopolists’ consolidation of political power in the United States will play out.

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