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Joseph Biden, Jr.

Joseph Biden, Jr.

1 commentaries

Joseph Biden, Jr., is a former president of the United States.

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  1. A Green Transition That Leaves No One Behind
    macron5_world leaders
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    A Green Transition That Leaves No One Behind

    Jun 20, 2023 Emmanuel Macron, et al. set out a vision of global collective action based on solidarity with the world’s poor.

  1. khrushcheva190_Andrew HarnikGettyImages_trump_zelensky_oval_office Andrew Harnik/Getty Images

    Fear and Loathing in the Oval Office

    Nina L. Khrushcheva sees traces of Stalin and Mao in Donald Trump’s penchant for ritual humiliation of foe and friend alike.
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    Future-Proofing Social Protection

    Florian Juergens-Grant & Luca Pellerano explain why employers’ contributions should be determined by capital intensity, not just labor stock.
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    Diane Coyle on innovation, AI, economic data, and more

    Diane Coyle suggests ways to account for “free” digital services in economic frameworks, considers how to prevent the emergence of AI monopolies, warns that cutting funding for basic research is tantamount to destroying the US economy’s foundations, and more.
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    Long Weekends Forever

    Juliet B. Schor recognizes the technology's potential to facilitate a four-day workweek, benefiting workers and owners alike.
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    Overcoming the Sectarian Challenge to Democracy

    Tawakkol Karman explains what it will take to forge a sustainable political settlement in Syria and elsewhere in the Middle East.
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    The World According to the Oligarchs

    Simon Johnson explains how techno-monopolists’ consolidation of political power in the United States will play out.
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    When Fiscal Policy Meets Mathematical Reality

    Sita Nataraj Slavov explains why America’s bipartisan pattern of government profligacy simply cannot last.
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    The End of the Chinese Dream

    Yi Fuxian sees little chance of the country and its economy escaping a bleak demographic destiny.
  9. aazhar2 Getty Images

    AI in the Office

    Azeem Azhar & Chantal Smith consider what artificial intelligence will mean for knowledge workers and the firms that rely on them.

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